A Great Building in Courthouse Deserves Better Streets
Level of Effort: 5 minutes, at home, in your PJs
Deadline: Fri 2/7 11:59pm

2500 Wilson Blvd is an aging office building in Courthouse, between Wilson Blvd, Clarendon Blvd, Barton St, and Cleveland Street. It is proposed for redevelopment as much-needed multi-family housing; the proposed building looks great, but the transportation is lacking for this busy area of the County.  Weigh-in today in support of this height and density within the Metro Corridor, and advocate for much-needed bike infrastructure to come along with the construction.

Land Use and Density

The land use and density is well-matched to the location.

Site Design and Layout

The site design and layout are appropriate.

Building Height, Form, and Architecture

The building height and architecture are well-suited to the location.  The difference between 16 and 14 stories is nearly imperceptible from ground level.

Transportation, Parking, and Loading

I support the parking ratio.

Given Wilson's status as a Primary Bicycling Corridor, this project should restripe this block of Wilson as a protected bike lane, or at least reserve sufficient width for it in the future.

The MTP envisions Barton as having enhanced bicycle facilities. PBLs should be added as part of this project, possibly using space from one parking lane.

Given Clarendon Blvd's status as a Primary Bicycling Corridor, this project should add a floating bus island at Barton.

Open Space and Landscaping

The open space and landscaping are appropriate for the site.

Green Building and Sustainability

The best sustainability improvements that could be added to this development would be the additional bike facilities referenced above.