Improving Safety for Walking & Biking, not just Cars, on Arlington Blvd
Level of Effort: 5 minutes, at home in your PJs
Deadline: Thu 9/28 11:59pm

After years of delay, VDOT is finally slowly trudging forward on safety improvements to Arlington Blvd between Glebe Rd & just east of Fillmore.  Construction still isn't slated to begin for several more years, but design work is commencing.  The safety improvements recommended by the last study will do much to reduce crashes for those driving, but more work is required to improve safety and access for those walking & biking, including pedestrian refuges in the crosswalks and improvements to the Arlington Boulevard Trail.  Checking out our feedback below & submit your comments today!

Comments on the Design, Glebe to Hudson:

- median noses should be extended to create a pedestrian refuge at the Irving Street crosswalks
- the widening of Arlington Blvd in the vicinity of Jackson Street makes the trail connection there, squeezed between the widened roadway and the pedestrian bridge, far too narrow and close to speeding traffic.  This project should re-route the trail behind the pedestrian bridge instead. The pedestrian bridge stairs could be modified to land in the area where the existing trail is
- this project should implement the preferred alternative from the Arlington Blvd Trail Study within the project area.  It is silly to rip this whole area up and then rip it all up again shortly thereafter for the trail project. Much of the trail does not meet current VDOT standards and should be brought up to standards as part of this project anyway
- there is insufficient space on the westbound offramp to Glebe Road for both the trail and a bus stop.  Moving the bus stop to this location will create conflicts between trail users and bus users

Comments on the Design, Highland to Fillmore:

- median noses should be extended to create a pedestrian refuge at the Fillmore Street crosswalks
- the gap in the Arlington Blvd trail east of Fillmore St should be filled by this project by building a trail in the existing grassy area between Arlington Blvd and the Service Road to the north.
- the trail should be realigned to meet Fillmore St at the corner of Fillmore & Arlington Blvd, aligning with the existing crosswalks.  The current trail entrance does not have a crosswalk and is aligned in a way that makes striping one difficult or impossible and contains a hard and dangerous bollard directly in the middle of the trail despite no documented history of vehicular intrusion
- this project should bring the existing trail segments up to current standards for grade, and separation from hazards, etc. and rebuild the trail at 11' wide to be consistent with the Arlington Boulevard Trail Study

Do you think this project will improve safety and operations?

At this time, it will improve safety for those driving.  With additional work (outlined above), it can also improve safety and access for those walking & biking.