From Sidewalk to Trail on Arlington Blvd
Level of Effort: 10 minutes, at home in your PJs
Deadline: Wed 1/11 11:59pm

Stop me if you've heard this one before, the Arlington Blvd Trail could be great, but right now it's not - in many places, it's disjointed, too narrow, too close to traffic, or just a glorified service road.  Good news! In addition to several other alerts we've done over the last few months, the County is also working to improve the stretch on the North side of Arlington Blvd between Edison Street & Granada. 

Right now this block is just a narrow sidewalk sandwiched between fast, heavy traffic and steep hillside, but it could be a nice wide stretch of trail with a buffer.  In addition to widening, the intersections at either end could really use some upgrades - like a crosswalk, shorter crossing distances, and better guidance on how to transition from in-street to on-trail.

This existing conditions engagement is JUST a comment map and uses a new tool that doesn't allow you to vote up (or even see) other users' comments.  We have included the text of our suggested feedback below (for easy copy-and-paste) as well as an illustrated map indicating which areas we're talking about.  These are just suggestions, make sure you're giving your own feedback on the map as well!

Edison Street Intersection

  • Transition for bikes/scooters from Service Road to "trail" is awkward & unintuitive.
  • Sharp left turn from the crosswalk onto the sidewalk is impossible on a cargo bike or while pulling a bike trailer.
  • Drivers take advantage of this generous curb radii to whip around this corner at high speed.
  • Anyone waiting to cross Arlington Blvd impedes others trying to continue along the trail. Need more space!

Main Portion of Trail

  • Sidewalk is too narrow & too close to traffic!

Granada Street Intersection

  • Need space for bus users to wait that doesn't block the trail.
  • Lack of a crosswalk means drivers often aren't looking for crossing trail users.
  • Drivers take advantage of this generous curb radii to whip around this corner at high speed.
  • Crossing distance is very, very long.

View larger map.