Arlington's Transportation Future - is this draft vision up to the task?
Level of Effort: 10 minutes, at home, in your PJs
Deadline: EXTENDED to Thu 3/27 11:59pm

After a rigorous Phase 1 public engagement exploring how Arlingtonians would like to get around in the future, the County is back with a set of DRAFT goals and a DRAFT Vision for the future of transportation in Arlington.  The next questions: Did they hear what you were saying? Did they capture it all in these goals and this vision?

We think the draft vision and goals are a great start, but are insufficiently aspirational. They fail to capture the significant mode-shift that we need in order to continue to grow and to meet our goals of decarbonization. If one imagines our current transportation system, but safer and with more seamless transfers between transit systems, it's possible to argue that such a system would already live up to the draft vision in the plan, but the reality is that such a transportation system would fall far short of what we've heard from our neighbors that they want to see our transportation system become.

Likewise it is easy to imagine a future for Arlington that continues the status quo for walking, biking, and transit service, but leans heavily into motor vehicle electrification.  It seems difficult to point to any particular part of the draft goals that would preclude such a future as a desired outcome.

Draft Vision

How well does the draft Vision match your ideal transportation future? Neutral

Which key words or phrases in the draft Vision do you like best? Do NOT select "variety of transportation options"

Are there any keywords or phrases missing from the draft Vision? YES - "a variety of transportation options" in insufficiently aspirational - we must prioritize walking, micromobility, and public transit

Draft Goals

Which of the draft Goals are you interested in providing feedback on? ALL


How well does the draft Safe goal support your vision for the future of transportation in Arlington? Very well

Which key words or phrases in the draft Safe goal do you like best? Eliminate transportation-related deaths and serious injuries

Are there any key words or phrases missing from the draft Safe goal?


Equitable and Inclusive

How well does the draft Equitable and Inclusive goal support your vision for the future of transportation in Arlington? Very Well

Which key words or phrases in the draft Equitable and Inclusive goal do you like best? Eliminate historical disparities

 Are there any key words or phrases missing from the draft Equitable and Inclusive goal? No


How well does the draft Sustainable goal support your vision for the future of transportation in Arlington? Not Well

Which key words or phrases in the draft Sustainable goal do you like best? Reduces environmental impacts

Are there any key words or phrases missing from the draft Sustainable goal? Yes - we need to actually move more people with LESS traffic, and climate resiliency does not equal decarbonization.  This goal MUST echo our commitment to decarbonize transportation through electrification and mode shift toward active transportation.


How well does the draft Connected goal support your vision for the future of transportation in Arlington? Not well

Which key words or phrases in the draft Connected goal do you like best? Intuitive / Dependable / Well maintained

Are there any key words or phrases missing from the draft Connected goal? Yes - "Connected" is not the correct top line name for this goal - the thing that unites the various pieces being described is actually "Dependable".  Must a "connected" transportation network be dependable?  No.  But a "Dependable" network must be connected.  Likewise, a "dependable" network must be well-maintained and work the way you would expect it to (be "intuitive").


How well does the draft Livable goal support your vision for the future of transportation in Arlington? Very well

Which key words or phrases in the draft Livable goal do you like best? Affordability / physical health / mental wellbeing / sense of community

Are there any key words or phrases missing from the draft Livable goal? No

Transparent and Accountable

How well does the draft Transparent and Accountable goal support your vision for the future of transportation in Arlington? Well

Which key words or phrases in the draft Transparent and Accountable goal do you like best? Acknowledges trade-offs

Are there any key words or phrases missing from the draft Transparent and Accountable goal? Yes - reliance on data and evidence-based practices

Final Pieces

Are there any missing Goals for the refreshed transportation plan that you think should be added? No

Do you have any other comments about the draft Vision and Goals for the refreshed transportation plan?

We must have goals and a vision that drive us toward mode-shift.  Arlingtonians have said that they want to walk more.  Arlingtonians have said that they want to take public transit and micromobility more.  We know that these changes are necessary to decarbonize transportation.  Policies and strategies are great, but we must start with a vision and goals that make clear the imperative of mode-shift.  These don't quite get there.