
In March of 2022, the Army Navy Complete Streets project went out to bid!  The project is fully funded, and at 100% design, but working through final easement acquisition.  This project will bring a 10' wide, 2-way protected bike lane to Army Navy Drive, along with dedicated bus lanes, crossing improvements, and right-sized travel lanes to reduce speeding.

Campaign Timeline

Design Workshop

Arlington County hosts a public design workshop to gather feedback on the concept design.

Action: 30% Design Open House

SusMo launches our first "Unrecognizably-Awesome Army Navy Drive" action to drive support for, and comments on the 30% design.

Action: 90% Design

SusMo launches our 2nd "Unrecognizably-Awesome Army Navy Drive" action to drive feedback on the 90% design.

Formal Comments

SusMo submits formal comments on the 90% design for the Army Navy Drive Complete Streets Project.

Out to Bid!

Arlington County posts the bidding package for the Army Navy Drive Complete Streets project.