Level of Effort: 5 minutes, at home in your PJs
Deadline: Fri 2/16 11:59pm

Stop me if you've heard this one before.  A new redevelopment project in Crystal City plans to build a single substandard painted bike lane with no protection going in only a single direction.  Somehow this nonsense is still happening in 2024, 5 years after the adoption of Arlington's updated Bike Plan and 2 years after the implementation of the Crystal City Bike Network.

Because we're just tired and sick of saying the same thing over and over again we've got two opportunities to take action on this.  One is the online engagement form for the development that is proposing a clearly inadequate street cross-section, the other is a recommendation to contact the County Board and ask them why, after so many years of demanding better bike facilities on Crystal Drive, we're still seeing these dumpster-fire proposals.

Feedback Form Transportation, Parking, and Loading:

The proposed Crystal Drive cross-section is laughably inadequate.  We need protected bike lanes in both directions. This is a precedent-setting project.  Redevelopment on the east side of Crystal Drive must do its part to provide safe bike travel in both directions. Also a pedestrian connection to Crystal Drive must be maintained even with the demolition of the viaduct ramp.

Sample Email to County Board:

5 years since the update of Arlington's bike plan and we still have projects like 2451 Crystal Drive proposing crappy painted bike lanes?  How many times must we all tell you that Crystal Drive needs safe, low-stress bike facilities in both directions?  I am sick of saying the same damn thing over and over.  FIX IT