Suggested Feedback by topic area:
Site Design and Layout
- The design seems to dedicate an unnecessarily large amount of space to grade-level car circulation.-
The large setback from Glebe Road and the prominent surface parking lot is not in keeping with Arlington's urban design principles.
Site Access & Circulation
- The design seems to dedicate an unnecessarily large amount of space to grade-level car circulation.
- The large setback from Glebe Road and prominent surface parking lot is not in keeping with Arlington's urban design principles.
Parking and Loading
It is unclear to me how one brings a child for childcare or a donation to the donation center without a motor vehicle. I only see roads going back to the childcare and donation center portions of the building - no inviting sidewalks or obvious pedestrian entrances.
Streetscape Improvements
I am very concerned about the retaining wall along the sidewalk. Retaining walls are magnets for grafitti, impede sightlines that are important for safety, and appear to force pedestrians into a circuitous route to enter the retail store if they're approaching from the north.
Crossing Glebe at the off-ramp is fraught for pedestrians. Cars often turn across the crosswalk without looking & the generous curb radius allows them to do so at high speed. This development should crossing safer protect its residents & customers who are likely to cross here.
Streetscape Improvements (con't)
The proposal should provide the "preferred (with development)" cross-section included in the Arlington Boulevard Trail Study (11' wide trail with 5' planting area on each side). This is an important upgrade of an important transportation link. A 5' sidewalk crammed next to serious vertical drop with only a wall & railing separating the two is not safe.