Consider the following, either as a long-form response in the provided textbox at the end of the first section of the feedback form or as individual pins on the map in the following portion of the form.
- No safe places to cross Shirlington Road between Kenmore St and Four Mile Run Drive.
- People biking in the bike lane are uncomfortably close to fast-moving cars and cement trucks with poor visibility. It is not currently a bike facility that is safe enough for kids to use to get to Drew School, the Sprayground, or the W&OD Trail. This "road" is an important North-South bike connection, something we have too few of in Arlington.
- Sight lines for the southbound bike lane are poor coming around the curve.
- Speeding cars are a problem, especially going downhill.
Feel free to vote up our map pins, or add your own - we'll swing through every few days and boost other pins with good ideas!