Visualize 2050: Stop Harmful Highway Widenings, Support Transit & Active Transportation
Level of Effort: 5-20 minutes, at home, in your PJs
Deadline: Sat 3/30 11:59pm

The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) is charged with improving the DC region's air quality.  Unfortunately, they fail to account for the Fundamental Law of Highway Congestion: More Lanes = More Driving.  Tell the TPB they must calculate and account for induced travel when reviewing highway widening, and while you're there speak up for great transit & active transportation projects and oppose those unnecessary highway widenings!

Do you have any comments on the air quality analysis scope of work?

YES - hit the comment balloon icon and enter something like:

The air quality analysis must take into account the increased automotive traffic induced by highway widening. There are now readily-available, well-respected tools for this like the RMI Shift Calculator.

Project Map Page 1:


  • Crystal City Transitway Extension to Pentagon City
  • New Long Bridge over the Potomac River
  • Alexandria Passenger Rail Track Expansion
  • Potomac Avenue Capacity Reduction for New Bus Lane: Potomac Avenue to Arlington/Alexandria Line
  • As many other bright green "Transit" and dark green "Capacity Reduction" projects as you are willing to click on.


  • As many purple "New/Extended Roadway" and blue "Roadway Widening" projects as you're willing to click on.

Project Map Page 2:


  • North Fort Myer Drive Reconstruction: North Nash Street to north Fairfax Drive
  • As many other bright green "Transit" and dark green "Capacity Reduction" projects as you are willing to click on.



  • As many purple "New/Extended Roadway" and blue "Roadway Widening" projects as you're willing to click on.