Level of Effort: Choose Your Own Adventure
Want to do more than just fill out feedback forms & send emails? We need help!
Keeping up with County processes, writing action alerts, attending public meetings, writing formal comments, sitting down with decision-makers and elected officials, staying active on Social Media - there's a lot to do here at SusMo. We'd like to ramp things up this year with the weather getting nicer and (potentially) more options opening up for indoor in-person activities, but we can't do it alone.
- With warm weather here, we're hoping to get out into the community to spread the word about our work, but we could use some assistance. We'd like to have tables at events like Bike to Work Day & the County Fair. We need folks who can help work these events answering questions, collecting contact information & telling people what we're all about.
- We'd love to see more guided bike tours, walking tours and we've decided bus tours are a thing that should exist. We've got insurance, you've got ideas! We'd love to team up to offer these sorts of events but need guides, ride leaders, etc. If you've ever thought "I'd love to lead people on a bike ride exploring all of the ____ in Arlington" let's talk!
- We have 2 current openings on our Board of Directors. Board members are like super-volunteers who help with the day-to-day operations & shape our priorities and policies. We do most of our coordination online via Slack. Primarily, you need a positive attitude & some good energy for the cause. Skills & qualities we would especially like to add to the Board include graphic design, a passion for pedestrian issues, event planning, deep knowledge and passion around transit, fundraising expertise. If you have one of these on top of a positive attitude & some good energy for the cause we would ESPECIALLY like to talk. 🤩