Level of Effort: 30 minutes, at home in your PJs
Deadline: Tue 6/18

Elections matter!  This June, Arlington voters can choose between 5 candidates for one open seat on the Arlington County Board in the Democratic primary.  We asked them each several questions about sustainable mobility that are likely to arise during the next term on the County Board.  Here are their unedited answers. Later this week, Sustainable Mobility for Arlington County will announce our endorsement(s) in this race.  Stay tuned.

To make the page easier to skim, each candidate's answer is in a collapsed panel.  Simply click or tap on the candidate's heading under each question to see their response.

How do you get around Arlington? In a typical week, how often do you walk, bike, scoot, take MetroRail, take the bus, take rideshare, and drive alone? In your personal experience, what needs to change in Arlington to make you more likely to take sustainable transportation modes like walking, biking, and transit?

Although I typically drive alone because I am a lawyer and I have to drive long distances to go to Court, I drive a zero emission electric vehicle (a Nissan Leaf),  I do use the Metro if I am going to Court in D.C. I have also made adding more bike lanes as one of the primary things that I am advocating for Arlington. This position is on my website and all of my campaign flyers. 

During a typical week, I usually walk and drive. I work from home, so my need to drive is minimal. On most occasions I have my children with me when I’m driving. I only purchased a car two years ago and did so in part because it was becoming too difficult to transport the kids via public transportation to all the places they needed to go. Prior to getting a car, I largely depended on public transportation (metro and ART bus). I also enjoy walking and do so regularly. It is healthy for me and the environment.

As for changes, there are a few things that I believe need to be addressed for more people to feel comfortable with taking more sustainable transportation options. As for the metro, safety needs to be addressed. As a woman, I have experienced unwanted touching and comments on more than one occasion while riding the metro and I believe many women share my experience. Additionally, although crime overall on the metro was down slightly in 2023, it is still high and some are reluctant to use the metro because of this.

Next, buses need to be timely and reliable. Timely is not only being on time, but also coming frequently enough to be useful. As with the Metrorail on the weekends, when public transportation comes only every 20-30 minutes, it’s not convenient and can add a significant amount of time to any trip.

Finally, I will state that Arlington needs more dedicated bike lanes and needs to be cognizant of bicyclists when developing. Although Arlington is a Gold-Level Bicyclist Friendly Community, it can and should do more. This would include ensuring newly constructed or updated streets and roads have dedicated bike lanes (Columbia Pike being an example of where this hasn’t happened).

Because my family and I live in the Courthouse neighborhood, I have many choices for getting around. Courthouse is very walkable with rich transit options and that is one of the reasons we live there. When looking for a place to live in Arlington, a neighborhood’s walk score was and still is one of my family’s biggest priorities. In any given week, we will walk to cafes, shops, and commission meetings; ride bikes and scooters; take the school bus home; carpool in our hybrid minivan; and ride metro into DC for a weekend activity. My husband and I were happily on a “carfree diet” from 2007-2014, until we had kids. We used Capital Bikeshare and Zipcar. When I worked full-time in DC, I often walked or rode my bike the three miles to work. More recently, I have looked into getting an e-cargo bike, but my condo building cannot accommodate it. These days, I drive alone to attend candidate events, but when the schedule and location permit I prefer to take public transit.

Having multiple transportation choices is a large part of what makes Arlington so livable, and I will work to expand the number of our residents who have those choices available to them. I will do that by advocating for a full buildout of our bike network, continue funding Capital Bikeshare, fund Metro and ART, and support regulations that keep the scooter providers in the county (while also working to keep them from blocking sidewalks). I will also work with neighborhoods to build sidewalks where they are missing, with an eye toward creating safe walking routes for our children to get to school. Walking only works if the sidewalk is wide enough, unobstructed, and separated from speeding cars. Walking around all parts of the county, I have experienced that many of our sidewalks don’t meet this standard. To advance sidewalk construction, I would like to have the conversation around creating established policy criteria that could help overcome the objections of individual homeowners when expanding the sidewalk network. I will work to make our sidewalk network as much of a priority as our road network.

I bike as much as I can, which comes out to 4 - 6 times a week, and drive my electric vehicle when biking isn’t an option. I use my bicycle in my real estate business, and I walk and bike regularly for errands, traveling to my office in Courthouse (2 miles from my home), and frequenting restaurants, grocery stores, and shops all throughout Arlington.

Arlington needs better assessments of current and projected demand for mass transit, given the likely recurring crisis we face with the drop-off in Metro ridership, and the fact that all major jurisdictions have put much of their transit funds and planning effort into development around Metro.

As a board member, I would explore what the likely buildout of our transit corridors is and better explain to Arlington residents how transit can and will play a role in their lives. I would also like to better understand the likely future economic and environmental impact of ride-shares, ways to accommodate parking for ride shares if they are likely to remain a fixture in our public domain and an assessment of self-driving vehicles. Critically, we need to decrease the socioeconomic divide and get more riders on Metro and ART buses.

In my daily life, I rely heavily on my car due the type and location of my work and to get around Arlington. I am also a disabled veteran with severe knee issues. Nevertheless, I acknowledge that it's not the most sustainable option. While I do try to use alternative modes of transportation like walking, biking, or taking the MetroRail when possible, the disconnect between my environmental values and my ability to act on them in my transportation choices is a sobering reminder of the need for change in Arlington.

I believe that sustainable transportation options should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their lifestyle or mobility needs. That's why I am a strong supporter of environmentally friendly rideshare services, which can help reduce our reliance on privately owned vehicles. As an endorsed candidate of the Sierra Club in 2023, I fully endorse the Blueprint for Better Transportation in Northern Virginia, which provides a clear vision for change over the next decade and provides recommendations for local transportation planners. As a member of the County Board, I am committed to prioritizing transit-oriented development and making sustainable transit options more feasible for all Arlingtonians.

Arlington has several dangerous corridors on our High Injury Network that lack basic facilities for transit, biking & walking but don’t have any way to acquire more land on which to build them. For example, widening Carlin Springs Road to get better sidewalks would require purchasing front yards from hundreds of homeowners. Improving safety and supporting sustainable mobility on these corridors will require making trade-offs within the right-of-way; there will have to be less space devoted to parking, driving, or medians to have sufficient space for dedicated transit lanes, low-stress bike facilities, and safe sidewalks.

Do you support the reallocation of existing street space to support speedy transit, a comprehensive all-ages and abilities bike network, and safe and complete sidewalks and trails? How do you think about and decide on appropriate trade-offs in these situations?

Advocating more bike lanes is a primary thing I am seeking to do. Copenhagen is my model.

It would depend on the street and the location. In some places I certainly would support reallocation of existing street space, but in other locations this may not be feasible. It is important that we look at these situations street-by-street. As for trade-offs, things I would consider when deciding about reallocation would include: How many homes would be impacted? How many people do we expect to use the bike lanes, sidewalks, or trails? Are there feasible and appropriate alternative actions we could take?

I have long supported creating “complete streets” that are designed such that vehicles, bikes, scooters, and pedestrians can all use the street safely and efficiently. Arlington has some streets designed that way now and is in the process of creating more. Many of our streets can be put on a “road diet” that reallocates existing right-of-way to accommodate all users. We did so with a portion of Washington Boulevard, and there are many more streets, including the example you cited in your question (Carlin Springs Road), that can be redesigned with little or no effect on vehicular traffic and drastically improved safety for all users. Regarding my decision-making process, I will engage with voices from across the county, listen to diverse perspectives, and consider these perspectives in the process. I am proud of the work I have done as the Chair of FAAC and Vice Chair of Planning Commission to engage diverse voices on budget and land use issues. I would do the same as a member of the County Board.

I am an avid biker and have biked in almost every commercial area and neighborhood. I have seen our bike infrastructure improve with the addition of bike rentals and protected bike lanes, more bike lanes, and greater public awareness and acceptance of bikes among cars. That said, I am sensitive – to the realities that we just saw with Connecticut Avenue in DC – that cars are built into our way of life. We do not all live on corridors, and the General Land Use Plan accepts that our development should be concentrated along major corridors, where it also makes sense to co-locate bike infrastructure to get a larger number of users (also along the key trails like Custis and W&OD). I think Arlington is well served by this infrastructure and I don’t see the need to remove trees or to reduce driving lanes along other routes. We have approved major density along Columbia Pike, along Langston, and we have our two Metro corridors. Let’s focus on these areas and a few connector trails between them. I believe we should invest to get the biggest bang for our buck, bucking up Metro would be my priority first.

That said, I would explore what we can do to make roads such as Carlin Springs much safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. I have ridden the stretch from Glencarlyn through Arlington Forest to Ballston and it is nerve-racking. The street needs serious attention from the County on safety improvements.


Yes, I strongly advocate for reallocating current street space to support speedy transit, building a comprehensive bike network that is accessible to all ages and abilities, and ensuring safe and complete sidewalks and trails. While there may be trade-offs, it is critical to prioritize the creation of a safe and sustainable transit system to meet our 2050 carbon neutrality goals and build a community that is healthy and prosperous.

We must ensure that sidewalks are well-maintained and safe for those who can walk the distance. In addition to educating pedestrians to remain vigilant, we must continue to educate drivers about the dangers of distractions like texting while driving. As a supporter of policies that prioritize the elimination of traffic fatalities and serious injuries, I will allocate long-term funding for Arlington's Vision Zero strategy. In developing new or renovated infrastructure and transit options, safety and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists must be a top priority.

Arlington’s trail network is one of its greatest assets but much of it was built decades ago as a purely recreational facility. At the time, the impact of impervious surfaces and the need for stormwater management were not yet recognized. Given their age, these trails will soon need not just repaving, but a full overhaul which is a critical opportunity to modernize the dated recreational designs and ensure that these critical arteries capture and filter their runoff and support safe, conflict-free travel.

Do you support modernizing Arlington’s trail network to fix unsafe designs like hairpin turns & steep drop-offs, give pedestrians dedicated space (separate from bikes & scooters), capture and filter trail run-off, and add dark-sky friendly lighting for safe travel after sundown?

I am all for preserving, maintaining and repairing the bike trails. I used to ride my bike on the W&OD trail and I think the local bike trails are great.

Yes. I use the trails myself regularly and would absolutely support modernizing Arlington’s trail network.

The trail network is one of Arlington’s jewels and has helped make us one of the top jurisdictions for bike friendliness and personal fitness — but their use has evolved so that they are now also an important part of our transportation network used by people getting to their jobs. The trails, including the Arlington Loop, are particularly important to our service workers working early and late shifts, which is why I support proposed safety improvements, giving pedestrians dedicated space, and environmentally sensitive lighting on the trails.

Of course, our trail network needs to be updated to meet modern standards and be properly maintained. Large portions of our trails are owned and maintained by the National Park Service and NoVa Parks, so for those trails I will push for us to work with our partners to help change their mindset to recognize that the trails are for more than recreation.


I would look at the fiscal impacts of these improvements first. Our fiscal situation, with a historic commercial vacancy rate and system shift to work from home, should also be assessed for impact on transit. If 30% of our workforce is no longer commuting, what does it mean for these transit needs? I 100% percent support getting more people away from single-occupancy trips in their cars, but I also know that only 2% of people commute to work on their bikes. 

I would prioritize the safety improvements on the bike trails. Environmental improvements are always desirable, but I would need to see the fiscal impact of these improvements before I would commit to including them. I do not support wholesale widening of the trails, however, I do support making the plans and budgeting for them at the time any new development projects are approved, i.e., before new density is authorized. I believe that is the most responsible stewardship of our natural resources. Plan before you add demand.

Yes, I support modernizing Arlington’s trail network. We should absolutely fix unsafe and inaccessible designs which pose especially high risks to those using wheelchairs or pushing strollers. It is also important to consider that some of these turns and bottlenecks act as a natural speed limit for bicycle traffic, which helps create a safer and more pleasant environment for pedestrians, especially with small children. So there is a balance that we want to strike, but there are also known danger points, especially under slick conditions, that need to be addressed. I would like to work with Nova Parks and The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) on their identified needs for the W&OD Trail, and I would like to make sure that County staff have considered all the options for upgrading trails and filling these gaps, instead of accepting a fallback position that trails come at the expense of natural resources, or stormwater and erosion mitigation. I would also like to think about promoting appropriate businesses to be located adjacent or close to trails so that our trails can link up to destinations, which can attract more users to them. We could take some inspiration from the Atlanta Beltline.

Regarding space for pedestrians separate from bikes and scooters, I think it’s important to consider maximizing the utility of the trail. If a trail has adequately wide multiple lanes, then users’ courtesy combined with clear signage about passing etiquette might meet this similar goal with a lower budget and lighter environmental impact. Regardless of trail width, I support this redesign factoring in capture and filtering trail run-off to support the longevity to the trail updates. As far as lighting goes, if there is lighting added, making it dark-sky friendly is a great opportunity to increase safety of people while also respecting our environment. But in that spirit, I’m not sure yet if I fully support adding lighting to trails. Even if they are well lit, biking in the dark poses other threats to people and nearby wildlife, so I’m not sure that the County ought to promote that. If individuals choose to bike after sundown, they are taking on that responsibility and should have bike lights, etc.

What is the role of public transit in Arlington? Is it a necessity or a nice-to-have? How should Arlington handle bus routes that aren’t meeting our performance metrics? Within the reality of a finite budget, how would you prioritize improving bus service (faster, more frequent, running more times, and to more places) vs electrifying the bus fleet? Do you support rerouting existing County transit service to better serve kids getting to and from school?

I support better bus service for adults and kids and I would like to see a new Metro train line underneath Columbia Pike.

Public transportation is a necessity. Not only do less cars on the road have a positive environmental impact, but public transportation is an economic necessity for many people who have no other means to get to and from work.

As for improving bus service, Arlington needs to do two things: one, they need to better coordinate with Metrobus. Metro has a full network of buses in Arlington as well as ART and with close coordination, Arlington can maximize bus coverage in the county and ensure bus service better meets the needs of the community. This may include reevaluating bus routes that do not meet performance metrics. Two, Arlington needs to start selling advertising on its buses. This has been a topic of discussion for a long time, but it is an initiative that has yet to come to fruition. By generating more revenue, ART can improve services and phase in an electric bus fleet.

Public transit is an absolute necessity for Arlington! It is one of the largest reasons that we have been so successful in drawing both employers and residents to the county. In setting priorities for our bus network, frequency is a major factor in inducing ridership. Transit works best when riders do not have to figure out when the bus is coming. While we do need to move towards electrifying our ART bus fleet eventually, we can also efficiently and cost-effectively advance our environmental goals by growing ridership. The greenest bus is the bus that is used. I will work to keep up our commitments to Metro and encourage ART ridership. I also support working with Arlington Public Schools to provide ART bus service to students to/from school and their after-school activities.

Transit if the linchpin to Arlington’s most successful planning paradigm, transit-oriented development, begun with Metro construction in the 1970’s and which underpins our General Land Use Plan and development for the past several decades. We now have 3 official corridors, in planning terms, so I believe it is essential that we continue to prioritize these corridors in terms of development and finding the right mix of commercial and residential and other uses. It is a necessity, especially as we now number 240,000 residents and we have not added much transit infrastructure since the addition of Metro. ART buses are being reviewed; many are not meeting targets. That said, there is virtually no public transit in America that is funded from fares; I believe we need to continue supporting Metro and ART buses especially to serve our most diverse populations along Columbia Pike and now along Langston given the planned density there. I did not support the lack of transit planning for Langston, in fact, I think it was a major flaw in that plan.

Public transit is a vital component of our community, connecting Arlingtonians within the county and beyond, while also bringing our neighbors to us. It is a necessary tool for promoting cultural exchange, inclusion, and economic growth. Additionally, using public transit instead of cars has several environmental and health benefits, such as reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality, and advancing our decarbonization goals.

When it comes to bus routes that are not meeting performance standards, we need to carefully examine whether the metrics align with the demand of the stations along the route. Once we have identified the root causes of the problem, we can work collaboratively with transit employees, frequent users of the routes, local leaders, and County Board members to develop solutions that will improve the metrics and better serve bus riders in Arlington. Furthermore, I strongly support the County Board's decision to purchase only electric buses for replacements, which is aligned with our commitment to decarbonization.

To better serve our community, we need to reroute existing County transit services and improve their safety and reliability, particularly for children traveling to and from school. We need to increase the availability of last-mile services to make it more convenient for people who do not live near a station to access it. Finally, it is crucial to maintain and enhance sidewalks and bike paths to ensure that families and students feel safe while traveling sustainably to school and work.

This series of questions highlights the need for a comprehensive review of Arlington's transit needs. By taking a creative and comprehensive approach to examining the different systems in place, including emerging ones like micro-mobility, and considering the diverse transit needs and preferences of our community, we can determine where to concentrate our limited resources to achieve our goal of a well-connected, equitable, and sustainable Arlington.

While the County is pushing developers to install more EV charging stations and rushing a transition to not-ready-for-prime-time battery electric buses, e-bikes are flying off the shelves, changing lives for the better, and offering a safer, more sustainable mobility option without any assistance from our local government. What should Arlington be doing to harness and expand the e-bike revolution? Secure bike parking options with charging capabilities in the public right of way? An e-bike rebate program?

I support Ebikes, more electric vehicle charging stations for bikes and cars is part of my platform.

I would support secure spaces for bike storage, publicly-accessible charging stations (for both bikes and cars), and a tax break for those who do not own a car and rely on bicycling, walking, or public transportation as their primary means of transportation.

As a member of the Planning Commission, I have consistently advocated for e-bike accommodations in new developments. Expanding our bike lane network, including widening our trail network, and creating incentives for our older shopping centers and other popular private destinations to install e-bike parking and charging stations would further encourage e-bike use and would be the best use of county resources. The county itself can provide e-bike infrastructure at its facilities, such as our community centers and the Long Bridge Aquatic Center. If elected to the County Board, I will work collaboratively with my colleagues to make this happen.

E-bikes can be an excellent part of a healthy transit ecosystem, but they are expensive and on trails can be an aggravation to non-motorized bikes. That said, I feel the pros outweigh the cons and I would examine how we can promote investing in and promoting e-bikes countywide. I would also ask the County’s Bicycling Advisory Committee to help come up with solutions for how e-bikes and standard bikes can co-exist more harmoniously. Other cities and counties are making significant investments in e-bikes, and I believe we can benefit from their experiences. I would also explore public private partnerships to invest in increasing and expanding e-bike usage in the County. 

While I am excited about the prospect of increasing the usage of e-bikes and standard bikes, my main focus would be on improving the mass transit that is available to the largest number of residents.

I understand that Arlington needs to continue providing safety information for bikers and drivers about e-bikes. However, the county can take a step further by supporting the natural expansion of this transit mode. We can do this by committing to more bikeable and walkable streets and trails. We also need to educate and inform more deliberately people from marginalized communities.

Additionally, bike racks in the facilities will encourage more people to bike, which will ultimately lead to fewer cars on the road. I agree that secure bike parking options are necessary. However, we should also explore the possibility of adding charging capabilities in the public right of way. Before we spend any county funds on charging, we need to gather more information. If e-bikes can go 20-100 miles without recharging, then installing chargers may not be the most effective way to support the e-bike revolution.

Nonetheless, we can explore other options to promote sustainable mobility in Arlington. By taking these steps, we can support the growing e-bike revolution and encourage more sustainable transportation in our community. Let’s work together to create a future where more people are biking, walking, and enjoying our beautiful city.

Even our safest & most complete streets seem to revert to unsafe during construction activity. A “sidewalk closed, cross here” or “bike lane ends” sign seem to be all we get on a good day. On a bad day, the sidewalk or bike lane just disappears with no guidance or signage to assist. Do you support updated policies in Arlington ensuring that vulnerable road users have an accommodation during construction that is equivalent to the normal facility on that street, similar to the requirements in Washington, DC?

I support safety precautions during construction.

Absolutely! I recently experienced this scenario in my neighborhood at the intersection of Arlington Ridge Road and 23rd Street S. There was construction without proper signage and the road was blocked. Arlington needs to implement these changes now.

I have had the opportunity to address this topic many times during my four years on the Planning Commission. It is a frequent complaint from neighborhoods affected by a development. The county must work with developers to make sure interim conditions are safe for pedestrians and cyclists, for example by installing temporary sidewalks, crosswalks, and bike lanes. We also must ensure a project’s neighborhood liaison is accessible to the community and that the county is responsive to safety complaints. 

To do even more, similar to D.C.’s requirements, we must expand the county’s authority. We would need to coordinate with our General Assembly delegation to ensure that such local authority is granted to Arlington. This conversation would highlight how, all too often, construction prioritizes traffic lanes operations at the detriment of bike and pedestrian facilities. As a County Board member, I would work with my colleagues to develop updated requirements that give cyclists and pedestrians usable, convenient, and safe routes during construction.

I am very supportive of safe accommodations during construction. It is critical that pedestrians and bicyclists have safe access around a work and construction zone. In the past, I have had the unfortunate experience of riding in a construction that was anything but safe. I would be open to exploring updating the County’s policies in this area.

Yes, - As a passionate member of the Arlington community, I am committed to ensuring that all residents are safe and accommodated during construction. That's why, if elected to the County Board, I will actively work to implement policies that provide vulnerable road users with accommodations equivalent to the normal facilities on that street, just like in Washington, DC.

Furthermore, I will advocate for the use of audio support in conjunction with visual signage to increase accessibility for blind and visually impaired residents and to raise awareness of path changes for all hearing residents. By working with key stakeholders, we can ensure that audio support is placed in the right locations to maximize safety for everyone. It's crucial that we evaluate the safety of construction sites to avoid any injuries or loss of life.