Past Wins

This ain't our first rodeo

We're still populating our new website and the "past wins" section is fairly low on the list, but here are a few representative items.


In May 2021, the Arlington County Board adopted a strong, interdisciplinary, data-driven Action Plan that prioritizes improving processes to place street safety at the center of all processes that affect the street.  Rather than a punch list of actions, the plan commits staff to continuously analyzing recent crashes & working to solve the underlying causes of those crashes wherever they may occur in the County.  It provides a framework and path forward for important underlying improvements in crash data collection & analysis and provides a home base for capital programs & quick build tactical programs focused on safety.



In March of 2022, the Army Navy Complete Streets project went out to bid!  The project is fully funded, and at 100% design, but working through final easement acquisition.  This project will bring a 10' wide, 2-way protected bike lane to Army Navy Drive, along with dedicated bus lanes, crossing improvements, and right-sized travel lanes to reduce speeding.



After months of sustained advocacy, in November of 2021 the County announced that the majority of signals along Columbia Pike were being returned to automatic "pedestrian recall" operations.  In February of 2022, they announced that several intersections along Langston Boulevard would also be returned to automatic operations.  This move improves safety and speeds up walking trips!