Current Campaigns for Sustainable Mobility in Arlington, VA

Current Campaigns

for a Better Arlington

We're still populating our new website with everything we're working on, but here's a partial list to get you started! 

Looking to make a difference right now?  You want our Take Action page.


Speeding up our buses is great for both riders and the County.  The faster a bus route is to complete, the faster a rider gets where they are going and also the fewer buses and drivers are needed to achieve frequent service.  Simple upgrades like transit signal priority, all-door boarding, and floating bus islands can drastically reduce the amount of time our buses spend stopped and get everyone to their destination faster and more reliably.



The 20' Clear Width rule in the Virginia Fire Code is preventing the installation of protected bike lanes and making new sidewalk installations politically infeasible in Arlington.   It is blocking street designs that would naturally calm traffic and provide pedestrians a refuge when crossing busy streets.  The fire code explicitly gives County leaders the ability to grant exceptions to this rule to meet our public safety goals (such as Vision Zero) but the County lacks a transparent policy or process to do so.



Kenmore Middle School and Carlin Springs Elementary school have a sustainable access problem - in addition to being located at the edge of the County, they are surrounded by barriers, dead-end streets, and poor bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure leading to low walking & biking rates, high parental drop-off rates, and the inevitable traffic and safety problems that result. One project that could start improving this situation is the Kenmore Connector Trail - a walking & biking trail on the west side of Carlin Springs Road that could connect Kenmore & Carlin Springs across Arlington Blvd to the W&OD Trail.



Right now, George Mason Drive really only works for cars. It is difficult to cross, traffic goes fast, sidewalks are narrow, and facilities for bikes & scooters are few, disconnected, and unprotected. Due to topography, Four Mile Run, and the W&OD Trail right-of-way, there are few good North-South connectors in this area of South Arlington. George Mason Drive is a critical link for people trying to walk & bike to Wakefield High School, Randolph Elementary School, Barcroft Park, Alcova Heights Park, the National Foreign Affairs Training Center, and more.



Arlington's is rewriting their entire transportation plan!  Rather than the siloed approach of the past, this plan will think holistically and set clear priorities for transportation in Arlington.  On a given street, with a set amount of land, what should our priorities be?  This plan will shape transportation projects and priorities in Arlington for decades to come!  We are working toward a strong, clear plan that results in safe, complete, and efficient networks for easy travel on foot, via micromobility, and via transit.